Fire Safety for Care Homes

Fire Safety for Care Homes
With over 15 years’ experience you can be sure that we are best placed to advise you on how to ensure you are compliant. We carry out the fire risk assessment for you, letting you take care of your business. We provide a fire risk assessment report detailing our findings, highlighting any improvements that may be required – most of which we can also help you with.
If you answer ‘no’ to any of the questions below, it is possible that your fire safety precautions are insufficient for your care home.
- Do you have an up-to-date fire risk assessment which has been thoroughly reviewed during the past 12 months?
- Do you have a fire alarm system throughout your premises, which is tested weekly, fully serviced at three-monthly intervals and in good working order?
- Do you have the correct type of fire extinguishers in the right places?
- Do you have fully operational fire doors which are regularly inspected?
- Have all your staff received evacuation training specifically for vulnerable residents?
IQ Fire Solutions can help to ensure you are meeting your fire safety obligations.
Call 020 8500 9885 today for a FREE no-obligation quote or alternatively email us at
Head Office
IQ Fire Solutions Ltd, 144 North Street, Romford Essex RM1 1DL, United Kingdom
Company Registration No
VAT Registration No
931 0720 61